TRIP TO JAPAN  - October - November 2007 - Page 7

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Shaping and Sanding

Kei's workshop is a large, square room, whose size makes most of the pipe-making equipment appear small and compact.  Kei handles his briar with a light touch.  He seems to present wood to the disk-sander as much as he presses against it.  Overall, the working environment provides ample space, physically and mentally, for both inspiration and reflection.


Like his sanding disk, Kei's Dremel setup is small and easy to move around.  One tool has sandpaper on it, the other, a metal bit.

Kei sands with pre-cut rectangles of sandpaper that he applies with a mixture of concentration and delicacy.

Final plans

Before Kei makes a stem, he makes detailed drawings of alternate designs.

The Swedish Master

Kei reveres the late Bo Nordh.  On his wall is a painfully-poignant photograph (found recently by Per Billhäll) of Bo as young man, straddling a motorcycle.

Kei with his wife Sumiko and Takeo Arita




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