TRIP TO JAPAN  - October - November 2007 - Page 3

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Dinner at a Fugu Restaurant (Kyoto)


The blowfish served in Japan (fugu) is, indeed, poisonous if not handled carefully.  While my host, Barney Suzuki, ate an appetizer of fugu sashimi, I had my fish grilled.  We then shared a pot of broth that cooked up many other parts of the fugu.


Barney lights a cup of sake, flavored with fugu (pieces of the skin), and burns off some excess alcohol

My grilled fugu

A Tokutomi fugu (2006)

A pot to cook many more pieces of the fish

Remains of my fugu (lots of cartilage, but the meat was very tender)

Toku's fugu
(in briar, of course, but parts of it look like clay)




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